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AllForYou@2020 Doctrine

How to combat Depression and Anxiety?

Let us begin by understanding why this happens?

Within the body are glands that produce chemicals, these chemicals are what regulate your brain and body in various ways. Consider the gland a muscle. As you use an external substance the gland weakens and eventually discontinues to produce the chemical you input, this is how biology works. It is called bio-logic-al for a reason. So work out your glands by doing it the right way, naturally. Stay away from external inputs so you have control over your own body without the need for a pill. Pills are a band aid that degrades your ability to be independent and regulate your own mental and physical states.

When you add an external stimulant you inhibit and degrade your own brains ability or need to produce this chemical and you begin to slide down a road of dependency upon this external chemical and over time your glands release less and less. Your brain responds to this external input with a simple "I don't need to produce as much because it easier to use this pill". Where it then packages it from the point of intake to the determined position it is needed.

Pills are not the answer....

Restoring natural dopamine levels is key to removing this, to do this naturally one can find a hobby and not just a hobby but something that makes you smile from within. Not through a physical condition but through and emotional or spiritual condition which gives you real joy, a physical activity may appear to be enjoyable but it is not lasting enjoyment. One fact is that love can increase this exponentially and when that is taken away your thoughts then revert and you lose this dopamine level. True love is everlasting. I personally sing and dance to do this. You may find painting to be fulfilling but the objective is to increase your mental health by learning how to activate your mental triggers in a positive way. When you listen to your favorite song, learn something new that interests you, or even give a true act of kindness each day, you open the doorway to your heart and increase your own happiness in doing so.

True acts of kindness are some of the best ways to increase happiness in self as it improves your view of your own actions in a very positive way, The more positivity the greater the result. Remember that a "True Act of Kindness" seeks no reward. Preforming a True Act of Kindness improves your self image as well and with some conditions of depression or even anxiety your worried about the reflection of self or even the way others view you. Keep your head up and remember that each act gives you inner strength and a better view over your own self. These acts do not require grandiosity, they require genuine sincerity. Understand that even the smallest act which comes from true sincerity is a wonderful thing. Open your heart and your mind will follow.

What is a mental trigger?

Mental triggers are thoughts, feelings or emotions that stimulate a response from the mind or body. Usually defined in a negative way, or noticed more often because they negatively impact our lives, understand they can and are also positive triggers. Just as art can create an emotional response both negatively and positively. These are all mental triggers and each trigger gains energy and grows stronger each time you allow the synapse to be activated. Good wholesome triggers, most don't even acknowledge as a trigger, such as thinking of someone you love or hearing your favorite song. Triggers such as these are considered positive in most cases but if your special someone has turned from you this may give you both a negative and positive trigger. I would suggest discharging the negative triggers as soon as possible. The longer they are permitted to continue the longer it takes to discharge the synapses that are energized by them.

Other sections of this website that are helpful in understanding this process in more detail are:



Talking to God is not as easy as 1 2 3... there are conditions that must be met first, one condition is to be refined or purified in thought, you must also purify your Body, Heart and Soul. Each one takes considerable time depending on your current state of being. Each part is connected and intertwines into the next to complete the whole which is why all must be done in order "of like mind and of like energy" with the creator. "To Be" one with the creator you must become your true self on earth as it is in heaven.

The fact is God is as real as you and me, to connect to the source you must elevate your energy for God to connect properly, this is best described like a light bulb. Your a light bulb within a sea of light bulbs and your bulb lacks enough charge to draw in the energy of God and it must contain enough energy that Gods energy can make contact with it, the terms "of like mind and of like energy" apply when you attempt to speak to God. If you are of a different energy even in thought God will not be heard by you, God always listens but to hear Gods voice you must fulfill certain conditions.

How do I purify my body?

This condition is complete when you remove excess toxins from the body, consider chemicals and intoxicants as toxins, The chemicals are even in our food and so food which contains the least amount of additives to be best. You may use fasting and drinking water to improve this process. Do not fast to the point of starvation, it is best to consider regulated and controlled intake at all times. Knowing what you eat and drink is essential to this process. I even bless every bite of food and drink I consume. Much like is done with Kosher food. Purifying your body also includes not eating meat. You will not be able to stand before the creator as a slaughterer of Life. The use of water to preform daily baptisms may also be used to assist in this process.

What is Baptism?

It is a method of purifying that you yourself must use to preform to cleanse the mind, body, heart and soul of your mortal self using bathing in water to symbolize the washing of physical dirt and immorality and also through the drinking of life giving water. I use a prayer "I drink the tears of Joy so I may know Sorrow", I then drink a sip of water. I then say "I drink the tears of Sorrow so I may know Joy", I then take another sup of water. This may be spoken aloud or in private. It is a Frontal Lobe choice to cleanse thy self. It also cleanses the internal body of toxins which in turn helps elongates life using Bio-Logics as the guide. Everyday, God chooses education over destruction, as should you.

How to purify your heart?

This is a bit of a difficult subject but to empower your heart with compassion and use empathy to define your intent, understanding your intent is critical to gaining control of your emotions.

The heart is something that needs to be pampered, you must give care to others and yourself and not in a way that defies your morality. Understanding how to give proper moral care to yourself and others will give you the best result for using compassion and empathy. Releasing your inner pains and sorrows helps to discharge your negative energy, but you must ensure that you "do not permit your emotions to dictate your actions" such is especially true with anger, even when you feel pain and anger comes up from being wronged by another purify this energy and direct it towards a solution that gives the best result based on your intent and remains within your morality. The higher the morality the greater the result.

How do I refine my soul?

For this I will refer to a section I wrote which is part of the Paradox of Gods existence.

What is Repentance?

Repenting is something you have to learn from within and it changes everything about your life as it changes your soul, this cannot be faked. Telling people to fear God is not only against Gods will but is false teachings and will not create repentance as the people need to choose it of their own free will and this happens only after they learn of the reasons for which they commit immorality and then choose to be greater then they were yesterday.

Through this you become more "Noble" and earn Grace so that God can hold your soul in paradise if your Grace is not enough to maintain itself already. Once you can maintain your soul yourself with your own energy, your soul is complete, you then become an Eternal Spirit with the Grace of God and can walk the Earth at will. Until then you are an incomplete soul and without Gods hand you cannot exist in paradise because only purified or refined souls can be touched by God as God uses the energy collected we call Grace. If you die without sufficient Grace or no Grace at all you will recycle and do it again. If you recycle you may not even be human upon return to life.

You earn Grace through true acts of kindness and those that agree with your soul through morality and good will. When you truly repent, you never commit that immorality again by choice, not because of fear for damnation but because of morality. You must learn morality and then commit to that morality with everything you are in mind, body, heart and soul. This is Repentance.

Your Repentance becomes you!

What is a Pure Soul?

To understand this it is best to use the term Refined as this is most accurate. The Bio-Energy that comprises your mind as we call this Will, is the source of energy that creates your soul. Your soul is feeding on the Bio-Energy produced, over time as your mind de-fuses and re-fuses the synapse you identify as negative using the frontal lobe (cursing for instance) choice. Depending on your diligence over your thoughts 24/7 you can Refine your Bio-Energy and purify Mind, Body, and Soul. Your soul cannot accept impure energy even when alive.

How does Learning, Refine my Soul?

God knows that we all will have moments when we realize things we thought where, "ok" are "not". It is normal and natural to gain information and to grasp a concept that is painful to understand. We all will have this moment when we begin to truly understand who we are and what we are doing. That pain will help you understand the morality from the immorality you had been ignoring. This process will repeat until your immorality is gone and just morality remains. This is the Refinement or Pure Soul I spoke about. Over time and with sincerity you will link with your Eternal Soul and with a bit of diligence in thoughtfulness and self reflection you will solidify your morality and become your Eternal Self on Earth as it is in Heaven. As you continue to remove the immorality you begin to ease the burden of your mind as it accepts itself and it's own actions completely.

How can I purify my Mind?

You do this through purification of thought. When you want to control yourself in thought and as the brain likes to do, it attempts to automate signals to the frontal lobe, this can be controlled and reprogrammed using choice. Here is how this works.

The system organizes the signals and attempts to direct them from the sub conscious to the frontal lobe during this process we get instant access to these thoughts. This was designed and influenced by survival. When you see a bunch of leaves in the bush your brain automatically attempts to show you a face. The same is said for hearing, when your around certain noises like a fan it will attempt to organize it into a related signal to determine a voice or word. These signals originate from survival instincts and pre automation systems to support it. As we attempt to reprogram this we must do so through diligence and sincerity. Diligence gives us repetition and sincerity gives us the charge which is received by the synapse it passes over during the thought which in turn increases the residual energy it gains from each signal.

To complete this properly we must interrupt that signal and using our choice educate ourselves on how we want our sub conscious to react or respond to these inputs. These inputs can come from anything in our body and often are misunderstood. To enforce your will of choice over this response is key to discharging the unwanted synapse and directing the charge toward the choice or desired response. Such as sexuality. When you have a thought of sexuality and you may even receive images or physical inputs such as being turned on so to speak you must interrupt this signal. I do this by refusing it. Even saying directly even in thought “no” or “stop it” and redirecting it to something else like a moral thought. What kind of moral thought depends on you.

You see this process with human calculators as they have programmed their brains to return digits. Where as I have done so to return true or false, I do this because it is more inclusive and when I am missing information I can then re-evaluate the information and work through any segments not true. This through diligence and sincerity, you may progress fast or slow.

Now in todays world this would classify me as a super human but in reality these things are learnable.

For this purpose the Paradox of God existence is applied.

Life is given to those so they may know Death.

Death is given to those so they may know Fear.

Fear is given to those so they may know Courage.

Courage is given to those so they may know Strength.

Strength is given to those so they may know Weakness.

Weakness is given to those so they may know Destruction.

Destruction is given to those so they may know Creation.

Creation is given to those so they may know Existence.

Existence is given to those so they may know Mortality.

Mortality is given to those so they may know Immorality.

Immorality is given to those so they may know Morality.

Morality is given to those so they may know Humanity.

Humanity is given to those so they may know Compassion.

Compassion is given to those so they may know Love.

Love is given to those so they may know True Unconditional Love.

True Unconditional Love is given to those so they may know God.

God is given to those so they may know Hope.

Hope is given to those so they may know Faith.

Faith is given to those so they may know Joy.

Joy is given to those so they may know Sorrow.

Sorrow is given to those so they may know Pain.

Pain is given to those so they may know Anger.

Anger is given to those so they may know Emotion.

Emotion is given to those so they may know Passion.

Passion is given to those so they may know Desire.

Desire is given to those so they may know Intention.

Intention is given to those so they may learn Truth.

As Nikola Tesla says: (I take no credit for the humanity of Nikola Tesla)

"The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible.“ — Nikola Tesla

How to ask for a Miracle?

A miracle must be asked with all your that you are in mind, body, heart and soul and also be done so without self righteousness and for the betterment of all kind. Those that purify themselves and fulfill this condition may be given a Miracle by the Grace of God. May Gods light be upon you all.

Dedicated to Jesus Christ

How do we begin to Digest the Phenomenon?

We begin by observation of the phenomenon, this is critical to the understanding of what is happening. Each observation should be noted and explained through logic and reason, one of the key's to success here is details. Detailing the interactions one at a time and identifying the source and result while keeping them separate is also critical.

Once we observe the phenomenon we can obtain its parts and as stated above in detail. Isolate each functioning source part of the phenomenon and classify it as a source or a result. Using positive and negative interactions to assist you in determining what is a source and a result is going to give you the best chance of isolating each functioning component.

When you have finished Digesting your Phenomenon it will serve you well to compare it to others if they exist in the chance you may have missed some information. One of the most critical parts to becoming a good physicist, scientist, doctor or mathematician is to be able to Digest the Phenomenon yourself and create from scratch your own conclusion as this will give you the greatest understanding of what is occurring by permitting your mind to fully define it as it understands it.

Lets begin with a designed function. We will start simple with a plane taking off. I take no credit for this image it is just a instructional piece.

Now that we have observed said phenomenon we can begin to digest it.

We have an obvious lift which occurs from airflow both under and over the wing to provide lift.

We have thrust from the engine which give push to the plane.

We have weight of the plane.

We have gravity from the planet which pulls the plane down and the reason we require thrust and lift.

We have the resistance of airflow which is caused by wind and particles in the air to include just air itself.

Now we have a basic concept to look at:

Velocity + weight requires x amount of lift from x amount of thrust - air resistance with (+or -) wind depending on the direction.

This is a basic breakdown of the observed functions to note. Remember this is a first pass over the phenomenon and you may be lacking information to determine the absolute result, you must continue by comparing what you know now, with what you see and attempting to identify what may be missing.

Here is a video which explains the basics of what is going on: I take no credit for this video.

While we can conclude we have the basics of what is happening we know that there is more going on, we have already included a particle resistance and also the wind variations within our own calculations which so far includes the other functions of airflow noted in the video.

Here is where we begin to really digest the phenomenon:

We have gravity we will call Gr which is a result of positive and negative interactions from electron residue we call weight. This weight requires our plane to need lift to fly.

Gr = gravity

We have Velocity which is achieved from thrust to produce lift using increased airflow under the wing versus over the wing. We also have particle resistance or Air Resistance we will call Ar.




Ar= Air Resistance


This says Lift minus Gravity minus Air Resistance plus Thrust = Velocity

So far so good right?

But how do we calculate Gravity properly.

The plane weighs x amount we will say 14443 pounds so we need to add weight to our formula.


So this says: Lift minus Gravity - Plane Weight - Air Resistance + Thrust = Velocity

As we continue to break down each function within we gain a greater understanding to the conditions that exist.

Now how do we determine Air Resistance?

We have several factors to Air Resistance:

Mass of the plane, this creates a wall of particles that other particles cannot pass through in size based on it's volume. We will give this a factor based on square footage, ill say 23 for simplicity sake but to determine this accurately you would need a wind tunnel and a pressure gauge to compare pressure of resistance.

We also have Air Pressure, as this fluctuates based on the altitude in which the plane operates. The higher the altitude the less resistance we receive and thus begins a siding scale.

We also have Air Density which we will add later in our formula, this density affects multiple functions such as thrust, lift, and resistance. We will define this as Ad later but for now lets keep it simple till we understand what we are doing.

Ar=23 at 0

It will appear on the sliding scale like this:

100 - 0

50 - 11.5

0 - 23

At take off we have maximum Air Resistance and at 50 we have half (just for calculation these are given random values)

Weight from gravity also decreases as we gain higher altitude and will also be placed on a sliding scale. This is caused by the electron residue moving further from the source of the gravity in this case Earth. You will reduce in weight as you get further away from the planet until you obtain weightlessness due to leaving the earths atmosphere and disconnecting the electron residue from it's positive charge. (values are just for calculational purposes)

100 - 0

50 - 13589

0 - 14443

Now if we combine both Ar and Gr sliding scales we will have a good scale to begin understanding how this plane is affected as it gains lift.

Weight Air-Res

100 - 0 - 0

50 - 13589 - 11.5

0 - 14443 - 23

Now thrust loses its potential energy as we increase altitude by the lack of density from the air to provide thrust. so we must increase thrust to match our altitude to maintain the same velocity. Remember that at 100 we have left the atmosphere and the velocity stays the same with 0 thrust due to weightlessness.

Weight Air-Res Thrust

100 - 0 - 0 - 0

50 - 13589 - 11.5 - 220

0 - 14443 - 23 - 180

Now we can input our lift requirements based on our siding scale. As you gain altitude you also lose lift power from the lower density of air particles, this occurs as you have less particles to compress or pass under the wing and push the plane upward. To counter this you must increase thrust. Lets add it to our scale. Lift no longer applies when we leave the Earths atmosphere and remains 0.

Weight Air-Res Thrust Lift

100 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0

50 - 13589 - 11.5 - 220 - 75

0 - 14443 - 23 - 180 - 100

Now we can Apply our gravity to this scale and get a real good look at what is going on as the altitudes change. Lets do this now.

Weight Air-Res Thrust Lift Gravity

100 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0

50 - 13589 - 11.5 - 220 - 75 - 9.761

0 - 14443 - 23 - 180 - 100 - 9.807

Now that we have our gravity lets go ahead and apply some Air Density values. Remember we talked about this before as Ad. Let add this now and see where we are:

Weight Air-Res Thrust Lift Gravity AirDens

100 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0

50 - 13589 - 11.5 - 220 - 75 - 9.761 - 0.001027

0 - 14443 - 23 - 180 - 100 - 9.807 - 1.225

Now something we have not talked about yet is temperature which affects take off speeds and as you gain altitude the colder the air the denser the particles. This gives more lift.

Weight Air-Res Thrust Lift Gravity Air-Dens Temp

100 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - -98.4

50 - 13589 - 11.5 - 220 - 75 - 9.761 - 0.001027 - -2.5

0 - 14443 - 23 - 180 - 100 - 9.807 - 1.225 - 15.00

Now as we continue to apply each variable we begin to see a unique breakdown of the phenomenon as it relates to conditions in which it exists. This process is based upon information and observation of source and result using positive and negative interactions. While we must remember that reality does not use algebra, we must be vigilant in our discoveries and detailed in our observations. We can continue to break down the conditions of flight as we incorporate things such as clouds, rain and any other phenomenon that may arise and add its variable to our definition to obtain a highly accurate Digested Phenomenon.

Nothing is outside the scope of this process. You may use any form of structure to do what I have done, this is well articulated in a spherical graph I will most likely add at a later time.


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