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Epidermolysis Bullosa

Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a group of rare diseases that cause the skin to blister easily. Epidermolysis bullosa causes blisters, which quickly burst and leave slow-healing wounds like the one on this baby's knee. The skin blisters because it's so fragile. The fragile skin is usually noticeable at birth.

Notable conditional results:

Parent during birth contained deficiencies in nutritional diet and nutrition.

The red blood cells lack the proper nutrition protein, vitamin, minerals to either produce or convert properly. This is furthered by a cellular fatigue and protein, mineral and vitamin deficiency which leads to stunted growth as the conditions of repair absorb vast amounts of nutrients the body requires to grow. Lower then normal oxygen intake continues to persist in the increasing overall effects of this condition as energy is drained by each individual cell.

Fundamental concepts of collagen density could be applied, a blood transfusion from the proper unaffected donor is possible but would require such a large amount to be used regularly and for a duration that the entire skin is regenerated using the fusion cells. This would need to be produced while removing cellular fatigue, preventing any further damage, reducing particle toxicity of the body, lowering lactate and increasing oxygen.

There are several functions that would facilitate this but the easiest form of this is to apply use of the Lazarus Pit as it maximizes oxygen production, protein, mineral and vitamin intake while also increasing bio energy to the fatigued cells.

As collagen is decreased the vitamins such as C is required in higher then normal amounts as this may indicate that the subject has had prolonged exposure to such deficiency of these nutrients and minerals that it has enabled a cascading degeneration of the skin. This is further exasperated by the damage that ensues from such conditions as the repair further depletes these particles from availability.

If blood transfusion is applied it is highly recommended that the donor consume vast amounts of vitamin C and Protein for the transfer to the patient.

Considering that in extreme cases a blood transfusion from someone with Scleroderma may be applicable considering if other processes above fail to produce results. I would suggest a in vitro test to prevent possible issues of incompatibility and reduce risk of damage.  This should only be considered if there is no response from any of the states above processes.

While pain medication may appear to be an answer it is a known fact that particle toxicity directly effects the body in many ways. It is advised to submerge the individual in a liquid so that the body can appropriately regenerate without scarring, the womb is a direct example of this method and should be utilized to prevent both damage to the skin and prevent scarring. In consideration of the bodies ability to heal this will soften tissue and promote rapid transport of decayed or damage cells.

The body is attempting to remove damaged cells from the blistering and in this condition softening them enough so to promote easier removal so that the other cells can break them down and transport waste material.

Further investigation of proper red blood cell growth leads us to stem cells, providing the body with proper and adequate conditions for these cells to generate fully functioning conditions could be quickly provided by a stem cell infusion.  Though considering the applications of such method it may be advised to look deeper at the stem cells of those with Epidermolysis Bullosa to identify where in the production the deficiency actually derives from.

Creating an environment for which the body can absorb and produce proper cellular functions and growth is key to reducing and preventing this condition.

Genetic disfunction is only prevalent because the genetic structure malformation has set in and affected large amounts of the cells, isolation of this condition should and would be identified by the dietary conditions of the patent and derive from the cells only because the cells lack the proper particles to do so without assistance. Often what we consider to be genetic disfunction today is a doctors laziness in identification and prevention of the actual conditions or that said conditions do not align with corporate stock value increases. They often find it more profitable to their stocks to pretend this is incurable and requires large amounts of money for production and administration of medications that do not actually improve health but rather permit the toxicity of the patents body to escalate.

Including larger then normal doses of proteins, minerals and vitamins while incorporating conditions of cellular fatigue will reduce malformation of the mitosis process. To correct any misconceptions of these conditions each specific case of Epidermolysis Bullosa should be analyzed under conditions of particle physics and each base process all the way to the stem cell considered, as you move from the skin cell, to the blood cell to the inner bodies functions of stem cell a notable source of default will arise which is the actual issue and from that position you then in order to reverse the condition apply this method of particle progression to return those deficiencies to a efficient condition. This includes proper Ph balance and particle values while reducing particle toxicity and increasing and even supplying bio energy to remove cellular fatigue.

During the mitosis process each cell consumes bio energy and when this process begins and a degradation of energy escalates it becomes a degradation of bodily function.

While stem cell transplant may assist in the creation of proper production of the red blood cell, this will revert back to a deficient state if the other conditions are not simultaneously addressed in unison.

While one process is corrected the others will remain deficient unless also included and applied.

Regardless of the pathway used to obtain the goal, you will need to address each issue at the same time, to do this identify every aspect of deficiency and produce an inclusive process to create effective results.

(Incomplete as this is a first pass: further details will be presented over time as I continue to contemplate conditions, results and information.)

Take note: (99.99% of all conditions current medical practitioners consider to be incurable are intact curable but by doing so they open themselves up for malpractice lawsuits and demote the production of pharmaceutical products and their stock values would decrease. It is further derived by the lack of understanding doctors have about particle physics and the choice they make to ignore the fact "physics makes your biology from scratch".)

(Place Marker for factors by cause)

Factors that could cause underlying conditions:

Particle deficiency:






Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Foods to promote Karatin:

Onion contains N-acetylcysteine

Sweet Potato contains Vitamin A

Sunflower contains Vitamin B and Biotin

Mango contains Vitamin A and C

Garlic contains N-acetylcysteine

Kale contains Vitamin A and C

Carrots contain Vitamin A and Zinc

Foods to promote Collagen:




Bell peppers - red





Aloe Vera




Brussel Sprouts

Blue Berries




Anyone suffering from Epidermolysis Bullosa should have the supplements in a balanced and nutritious contents added to The Lazarus Pit smoothie.

It is possible that the deficiencies lay within the process that creates the red blood cell, preventing the marrow of the bone to generating stem cells which contain all particle values or energy levels to produce each prospective particle of the red blood cell, tracing each deficiency back to the origins or source will isolate what structure of the body be it the marrow, stem cell or red blood cell is causing the issue.

As we conclude if it is a marrow deficiency then the bones are not receiving proper nutritional values and this would lead to a cascading effect as the stem cells that are created inside the marrow would too be deficient. If this is true the condition will persist for large amounts of time as the bones will need higher then normal doses of nutrients to counter the deficiency.

Due to the fact that most conditions are derived from particle deficiency and are then classified as a disease they are often associated with conditions that can actually be corrected by incorporating the many variables and particle values of those deficiencies from the base structures of cell growth. They should be redefined as disorders and not labeled disease. This confuses and distorts not only medical practitioners concept of the conditions but also frightens the patents.

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