The food replicator is a basic principle of binding and conversion of basic molecules into the base proteins, vitamins and minerals need to build and repair organic structures within the body.
While we have the basics of these concepts in many things already we don't use them to produce this technology, this is either because of ignorance or greed.
Stage 1 of the food replicator is simple.
Analyze the way the panda breaks down the basic organic structures of bamboo and converts it into proteins, vitamins and minerals to build its organic structure.
Understanding this process is a key factor to identifying both how to remove world hunger, and become immortal in the flesh while utilizing biological evolution through sanctity of all life.
Stage 2
Once we have identified how the panda is capable of this we can begin to look at other animals such as the cow or elephant. Utilizing multiple factors from several sources will expand our understanding of how to preform this properly.
One we establish how other animals break down, convert and bind the molecules to create basic proteins minerals and vitamins we can move on to stage 3.
Stage 3
We can preform this using a food based 3D printer. Most individuals won't want just a food bar every day at every meals and as such we enjoy diversity. To better assist us in this the food based 3D printer will provide us with a variable way to present and even texturize our foods. Flavorings can be acceptable under the same premise and should be finely modified without using toxic materials such as aspartame. Allot of the food products permitted by the FDA today as toxic when consumed over extended periods and the goal is to reduce toxins while maintaining a healthy and specific content the body can use while evolving to become more efficient in its use for the body.
Stage 4
This is where we get creative and move from uncooked or unflavored concepts into a built in microwave design that prepares the food at a defined tempature to better replicate the already defined foods. While heating the food could inhibit some minerals and vitamins efficiency by rate of transfer into the body it will increase others in such a case the protein molecules may be utilized more efficiently. This can be achieved at the binding point by heated applicator during the 3D printing process or by heating after its binding process is complete.
When all the conditions and recipes of current food based products are properly prepared and defined we will obtain a sustainable, fast growing, nutritious meal that looks, tastes and even contains near to the original or possibly even greater nutrient values.
While some would consider this a synthetic method let me remind you that all your synthetic products are all converted and processed by something, be it organic and mechanical it is by default natural in its original form. Modified by the biological structures from grass or trees, into a different form. Everything you eat and drink is a processed food, even your orange juice, it is minerals, vitamins and energy converted by the tree into a orange.
For more information about immortality using biological evolution through sanctity of all life see the following page:
And remember... I don't make soppy cups.
Molecular binding applicators would need a reservoir for each molecule type, a transportation method, heating applicator, I have already designed the construct but will need time to present it here. I will for the moment present a basic concept in the off chance someone can use it.
Composition of ...
Makes up about 75% of animal muscle (steak)
General Formula: RCH(NH2)COOH
Meat proteins have three groups:
Myofibrillar proteins (50%–55%, mostly myosin and actin), sarcoplasmic proteins (30%–34%, mostly enzymes and myoglobin) and connective tissue (10%–15%, mostly collagen and elastin fibres embedded in mucopolysaccharides).
Most fatty acids in meat contain between 14 and 20 carbon atoms in the molecule
That would mean while one reservoir could be used to hold and transport the carbon atoms in the molecule it would need 14-20 atomic applicators to build. This must be defined for each molecule in the product. It could be housed by a rotary based head which would hold the many different applicators. As time progresses we would have to include many hundreds or thousands of applicators to build something exactly the same as a steak, both texturely and physical the same. This can be done without slaughter.
Many varieties of plant based products today contain similarities to meat products, this analysis was given for a different purpose but identifies some of those differences. In reality we can produce the exact same molecules in the exact same structures, fat content and protein, minerals and vitamins but binding them or converting them the same way the panda, cow and elephant do.

This is a molecular breakdown of some of the atoms which was presented to define aromas but when included into the design will help in exactly replicating and simulating the atomic structures of the molecules accurately.

When aligning the molecules at the atomic level you will want to use a system driven by a computer. Humans have neither the accuracy or control to preform these functions by hand.
The transportation of the molecules and binders will be applied simultaneously to correctly build the molecules at the atomic levels.
To do this we will want a new form 3D imaging which is actually closer to a 4D imaging system previously defined and would include the reverse engineering method to calculate entropy of each molecule. This method was originally designed to accurately map the mitosis process in a quadratic image system.
Another useful tool would be a built in cleansing system to allow the molecular applicator to be reused on the same head housing unit, this would require a bay on the head to wash and prep for its next use under a different method and will also prevent damage and clogging after each use.
If your having issues understanding how that would function consider trying something simplistic and large first. Your first task is to make one molecule. Then bind that molecule to another. You will end up with something that looks like spaghetti but hey, so does ground beef. You may even want to start with a wheat product and progress from there.
Taking into mind the concept of molecular binding methods, it is beneficial to include a formula for molecular binding.
Understanding how this functions will prove very beneficial to the process. Each molecule has a defined perfect binding method.
Molecular binding is an attractive interaction between two molecules that results in a stable association in which the molecules are in close proximity to each other. It is formed when atoms or molecules bind together by sharing of electrons. It often, but not always, involves some chemical bonding.
This can be defined by application of force, tempature and density virables. And would include adhesive barriers in some cases which may permit bonding between particles. This also includes progression from hot to cold and cold to hot to obtain complete molecular bondage while passing through a permeable zone. Some particles may bond during cooling while others bond during heating and some even bond at exact temperature. This includes applying force of pressure or the lack of such pressure. Including the ability of the Food Replication process to contain the ability to produce these variables will increase the range of functions and provide better results.
Replication of the pressure given to a product to best replicate the same pressures of the original such as beef, muscles are produced inside a variable condition which is not a null pressure zone. Including these variables will allow for exact replication and simulation of the product.
One such basic formula would begin as these variables are included:
Allowance (bonding zone variance)
Non-Allowance (unbonding zone variance)
Every variable to include atmospheric conditions even within the body should be replicated to produce exact conditions and bonding perfection.
Here is a break down of the pressure within the human body which will give you an idea of the conditions by atmospheric pressure present in specific areas. These areas to include the muscles should be acknowledged and simulated to create perfect results.
(Take note this is a list within the human body and is just a representation of conditions present solely as examples)
Body system
Gauge pressure in mm Hg
Blood pressures in large arteries (resting)
Maximum (systolic)100–140
Minimum (diastolic)60–90
Blood pressure in large veins4–15Eye12–24
Brain and spinal fluid (lying down)5–12
While filling0–25
When full100–150
Chest cavity between lungs and ribs−8 to −4
Inside lungs−2 to +3
Digestive tract
Middle ear<1
While it may appear to some this is a large order it is actually quite a simple task. The conditions can be identified and then replicated in very small amounts only to produce the bonding. Use of a such methods will produce exact replicas of each product and will provide perfect bonding.
The basic method to obtain these variables can be identified here: